August 22, 2012

Smile! It's Wednesday.

A few fun things to keep it moving 'til Friday:

Make some decisions: Or, wait to make them until you're in your late 20's. They might turn out better.

Get Cooking: Seriously, do it. This recipe is delicious and easy.

Think Positive: It could change your whole outlook on life.

Run in Color: This weekend in NYC. Color. Fight. Is. On!

August 15, 2012

Smile! It's Wednesday.

A few fun things to keep it moving 'til Friday:

Mmmm: A delicious way to cool off (Plus, Whole Living is probably my new obsession, highly recommend if you haven't checked it out!)

For the Mind: Chelsea’s posts are honest, real and thought provoking. You’ll never leave with an empty mind.

Sweat it Out: I’m a huge fan of Urban Girl Squad, they offer interesting events throughout the city and, as a New York transplant myself, a great group of women to connect with.

Treat Yo Self: If you haven’t joined, head over and sign up. $10 for a surprise box filled with beauty treats every month. Enough said.

August 7, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Today was one of those days in New York City that just felt good in the city. The sun was out, the humidity was way down (finally), people were smiling and the trash on the sidewalk just didn’t smell as bad as usual (okay, that might be a lie but it’s really neither here nor there).

It also just so happened to be the day that I signed up for my final New York Road Runners 9+1-qualifying race for next year’s NYC marathon. Coincidence, I think not!

I’ve thought a lot about what running a marathon is going to be like over the past year. In some ways I’m not exactly sure what to expect (does gu really work? And, is it really necessary to wear a water bottle belt?!), but in others I feel ready (yep, watch on hand. Ready. To. Go.). 

I’m excited for what finishing that last qualifying race means and even more excited for what the next chapter in running will bring. Here we go!

August 5, 2012

Hitting Reset

So, apparently writing once a month and falling off the face the blogosphere for an entire year is not the best way to keep up a blog...yes, I’m categorizing that into the “lessons I learned at age 25” folder.

When I initially started this I had a whole lot of rules for my writing and what I wanted my little corner of the Internet to be. But, over the past year, I’ve realized that rules sometimes equate to limits and writing, well, it deserves freedom. Requires it really.

I’ve always been a little bit (okay, more like a lot a bit) afraid to let me words into the world for others to see. While I loved reading my byline on a newspaper or magazine article, there was a hesitation to really own what I wrote and that’s precisely the problem I ran into on this fun little website. 

Now, after a few years in New York City and some fun, not so fun and downright weird stories to tell, I think it’s time to try this again. 

I want this to be a place for my family to check in, a place for me to write down my memories (because god knows my brain is slowly diminishing…) and a challenge to let me writing have the freedom it deserves.

Okay, with all that said – it’s time to push reset